New users: users who first time to talk to the bot on this day and clicked on one of the options of the main menu.
Active users: users who already have talked to the bot previously on any other day and clicked on the main menu.
User session: the session duration involves the exchange of messages between the user and the bot. If the user stops interacting with the bot for 10 minutes, the session will time out. When the user resumes communication, it will be counted as a new session.
Sentiment Analysis: The sentiment of each message users sent in the conversation it may be one of the following:
Positive sentiment: means users sent messages to represent positivity like “the service is really good”
Negative sentiment: means users sent messages to represent negativity like “I’m disappointed about my experience with the product”
Neutral sentiment: means users sent messages represent normal talks like “what are the types of cards can I get?”