Message Types help you craft various message formats for your chatbot, providing a versatile way to engage with users across different channels.
The table below describes the types of messages available for designing chatbot conversations. Since the messages vary depending on your specific use case, the table identifies each message with "Yes" or "No" in the omnichannel columns to indicate the channel that supports that type of message.
Please note: that not all channels have the same number of buttons & quick replies.
Message Types
Facebook & Webchat Channels
Instagram Channel
WhatsApp Channel
Twitter Channel
- Use text messages to Send information to users.
- If you need to share additional information within the same flow, you can add another text message and type the follow-up message.
- supports UTF-8 content and emojis
- Can include user attributes
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- Elements your users can click to move on to the next flow in the conversation. Learn more here.
- supports UTF-8 content and emojis
3 buttons
No |
3 buttons
3 buttons
- Elements your users can click to move on to the next flow in the conversation. Learn more here.
- supports UTF-8 content and emojis
11 QR
13 QR
3 QR
20 QR
- Upload an image using the file browser. The image file size limit is 10 MB.
- Supported Extensions are JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF.
- If you have a catalog of products or properties, each with its own picture, using a Gallery message is a great choice.
- A Gallery includes multiple Cards, each featuring an image of your product, additional details, and links to external resources or buttons.
10 Cards
10 Cards
No |
10 Cards
- You can attach files of all common formats to your messages.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- You can attach audio of all common formats to your messages.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- You can attach videos of all common formats to your messages.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- You can use the "Go To Flow" option to send users to a different flow.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- Allows your agents to take over the conversation and handle it personally.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- Integrate with your own JSON API server or other 3rd party systems to send and pull data. Know more.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- let you manage changing information across your chatbot flows from one central place.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- Step enables you to add a customized delay to a flow.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- This message type captures manual user input and stores it in a custom user attribute. You can use User Input to collect information from your contacts. Learn more here.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- Allows you to add buttons in a WhatsApp bot for quick responses.
- It is allowed to display up to 3 buttons, due to WhatsApp's limitations.
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
- Allows you to create a list of selectable items displayed as buttons.
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Note: There is a size limit for Message types in each channel. Please review here to learn more.
Note: On WhatsApp, if you use 3 or fewer quick replies and the total characters fit within the limit, they'll appear as buttons. If you add more than 3 quick replies, they will be shown as a menu list. Appearance is determined by the total character count. Find character limit details in this article.